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Mechanical Angle
The mechanical angle is the
SCANLAB distinguishes between analog and digital
see Angle Terms
see CPS

Scan systems transform lasers into highly flexible
A correction file enables compensation of system-specific

cps (characters per second) is the number of characters/symbols
see Digital Encoder Technology
see gain error
SCANLAB offers galvanometer scanners equipped
Dither is positioning noise of the scan mirrors
Drift is alteration of the image field over a
see Tuning
see Digital Encoder Technology
F-Theta lenses – also called scan objectives
The spot diameter is defined as the diameter in
see Angle Terms
Gain error is incorrect scaling of the image field
A galvanometer scanner is a highly dynamic electro-optical
By Image field calibration a scan-head-specific
see Marking Speed
see Nonlinearity
The typical marking speed is the speed at which
see Angle Terms

Nonlinearity describes image field distortions
Offset error is a shift of markings along one
see Angle Terms
see Angle transmitter

Position resolution is a measure of how precisely
The typical positioning speed is the speed at
see marking speed

The distance to the beam waist, until the beam
Repeatability describes the precision of multiple
The Root Mean Square is identical to the standard
SCANahead is an innovative control technology,
see Digital Encoder Technology
see offset error
Skew error is tilting of the image field axes
see Focal Diameter (Focal Spot)
The step response time is the time interval required
Tracking error is the time interval between the
Tuning is a particular method of dynamically optimizing
see Angle Terms
Each scan system is equipped with appropriately

Working distance A is the distance between the
see CPS
SCANLAB のスキャンソリューションは、レーザーを普遍的なツールに変換することで、素材に機能性や価値を付加します。SCANLAB の幅広いスキャンソリューションは、高速、正確、高効率、環境への配慮などの要求にお応えします。