Step response time
The step response time is the time interval required to execute a jump over a specified distance.
Detailed description
For an abrupt change to a new set position, the scanners need a certain time until the actual position matches the set position. Here, time is also required for waiting until the mirrors have settled and remain within a specified precision level.
SCANLAB specifies step response times at 1% of full scale and 10% of full scale for a precision level of 1/1000 of full scale . Specialized systems might require more revealing step response time specifications.
Hard jumps are not recommended for vector tunings; instead, a defined speed and a jump delay should be used.
Lasers as Tools
By transforming lasers into universal tools, scanning solutions help to add functionality and value to materials. SCANLAB's broad palette of scanning solutions fulfills demands for higher speed, more precision, greater efficiency or improved environmental compatibility.