Strong Partnerships

Collaborative Research

SCANLAB actively participates in joint research projects to advance scanner technology and continuously enable new laser applications.

In project-related committees, we support and guide projects for institutional research. Additionally, SCANLAB offers an exciting field of activity to young engineers, e.g. via industry-sponsored doctorate programs.

Overview of Current and Completed Research Projects

PYRO-LPBF (2022 - 2024)
Additive Manufacturing: Real-time temperature-based laser power control in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) of metallic materials

DPP Campus (Digital Photonic Production) (2020-2025)
Investigation of promising next generation scanning technologies to enhance productivity of laser material processing.

DUVEL (2016-2020)
Deep-UV engine for UKP laser processing.

eVerest (2016-2018)
Machines and system technology to efficiently fabricate large 3D mold tools with design surfaces.

LASHARE and FAST3DSA (2016-2018)
New dynamic z axis, adapted to a standard 2D scanning system, enables highly dynamic laser processing of complex 3D surfaces.

HyBriLight (2014-2018)
Material-optimized process chain for cost-efficient composite lightweight construction with high-productivity laser systems.

appolo (2013-2017)
Hub of application laboratories for equipment assessment in laser based manufacturing. FastGALVO: Assessment of the newest generation of galvo scanners for laser micromachining with ultrashort pulses at high average powers.

Ultralas (2010-2013)
High-resolution, ultra-high-speed laser processing system for mass producing photovoltaics.

Scan4Surf (2010-2013)
High-precision inline measurement technique for laser structuring systems.

Weldima (2009-2012)
Investigation of welding mixed materials via high-brightness lasers.

Solasys (2008-2011)
Next generation solar cell and module laser processing system.

Mitarbeiter SCANLAB Produktion Laser Scanner

Research Projects Contact

Dr. Markus Zecherle

Phone +49 89 800746-0
